Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hey some New stuff for the Garage!!

Just took delivery of my little helper in the garage

70 watts Cleaning 35 watts heating
Its a little rippa, tanks a bit small, only 150 square by 90 deep but good for small intricate parts

Half an FI unit with lots of bits to clean

Mesh filter see the enlargement below
before shots of some fuelie bits

After a clean

Have a close look in the bore, you can still see the brass plating,like new, outside it's long gone

             All I used was one part water one part vinegar and a few drops of dish washing liquid.

Oh and it works a treat on the wife's Jewelry
shines them up like new! 
so this gets the big thumbs up from me, my E-bay special

Hey and I got a USB microscope to use, also have a look at the photo below, its the fuel bowl mesh filter at 400:1 sweet!!!

One of the small strands on the edge unraveling
Why ? Because I can !!!

till next time


  1. Pete,

    It's been almost a month. When is the next post coming out?


  2. John
    sorry I've been a bit slack busy at work. I have done a few posts with some more to come
