Thursday, December 2, 2010

What happens when you burn 2010 fuel in 1960's technology ?

Well, just to show I  still like the mechanicals and its not all about the bling, I did some research.
After I fitted the new carby, all was well for the first few runs. I noticed though ,when the car got warm I had some hesitation issues and bogging down when I had sat at the lights for a few minutes.
       Thinking the worst I immediately pored over my books ,determined that ...of course the main jets where to small ............. wrong!
     read the link on this site re fuel percolation. It seems, this new fuel boils at a much lower point than the old leaded  fuels....The out come it literally boils in the bowl, and gives you all kinds of grief when you take off under throttle. So, I thought about it, read some more and all the pundits agree, an insulating spacer will help. So this is what I did.

A trip the the speed shop yielded  one half inch Phenolic spacer.

Being a bit pedantic re flatness,I checked it out, as it was only molded and not machined.

with the aid of some 400 grit emery, my trusty Steel plate, (some 3 inches thick! ) the spacer was not flat enough for me.
Note the mottled surface, the dull spots are where it contacted the emery

Below is the nice uniform dull surface after I lapped it flat, on the left is the emery paper, you can see the phenolec dust.

Any way after a lot of huffing and puffing and lots of figure eights on the emery it ended up about .002" out,
that was close enough for me and my arms !!!

   The spacer plate comes with extended studs and nuts and fitted up nicely , I trimed the gasket overhangs on the bores, just to be neat.

Fits well, note the Exotic accelerator linkage, that's another project looking right at you !!
                        Well I hear you say," why not put a thicker spacer in that will surely help!"
I will tell you why , I am working on a Vette and bonnet clearance is at a premium !!

note the half inch clearance on the putty after I closed the bonnet

 Well , while I had the carby off again I did go up some jet sizes, as I did note a hesitation at  slow acceleration from light throttle opening, running 70's now up from 68's seems to work very well,the fuel percolation issue has gone away all together, a good outcome, so keep it in mind, if you notice the same thing on your car.
 Oh and for all you non AUS people we still get premium 98-100 RON here, hmmm that's mighty fine !!

See you soon

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