Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Esme a girl who's been around

Esme has lots I have to find out. She spent some time in the mysterious lands of Japan and well, I think she picked up a few bad habits.Previous to that I have no history yet.

Take a close look at the speedo, thems there KM in the middle..What the ??
Oh and if you noticed the tacho is well ....lets just say a little different for a 64,no worries I have it in a box to put back in just see the photo below, may need a little work though

Shall we just say some assembly required, we will get back to that

I think to say she  has some carburetion issues is pretty safe.
That's a 600 Holley Vac secondaries, circa 1986

She has had some ink done and theres lots of pretty symbols on the relay box All Japanese!!
Hmm ... and the wires well ... a really nice job but one day there going back to the USA
for now Esme will remain a driver for the foreseeable future, at least till her younger sister, Pearl feels better,then it will be Esme's turn for her I think, 3rd facelift in 46 + years

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