Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pearl the first of my wayward daughters

Pearl, arrived on April 14th 2009. I had been looking for a Vette to buy for many ,many years, a bit of a young mans dream from the age of 16. I had looked from time to time , even driven one or two but, life happened and it remained just that,  a dream. So as time passes you get to a point where you just either do it or....shut up , suck it up and move on.
            So I started looking and looking and looking, I have literally many thousands of photos of C3 chromies. I decided to look for a 70 BB as it was ;
1) the first year of the 454.
2) the lowest production year due to the Strike at GM
3) pre 70's were just to expensive.
          I stumbled across this car in an Add on a web site in SA and enquired if the car was still for sale, it was.So I exchanged emails for a few months with the owner Ross Spurling , but nothing came of it and I let it sit for a while, I couldn't make my mind up really, as it was an Auto and I had my heart set on a manual.
   So time moved on ,a few months went past and I thought I will see if its still there, thinking for sure it had been sold in the mean time.
       Strangely  ..... it hadn't. Go figure I spoke with my best friend..... Jen, we have  been together lets just say a long time. and we decided to go for an anniversary drive to SA to have a look and decide.
     Well Pearl got adopted and that was that. That took eight months..... the strange thing  Ross told me was in all that time the other cars he brought out had sold but not one enquiry for Pearl.
     She had been waiting for me all that time .

this is me on the Left meeting Pearl in SA with Ross and Jan Spurling ,top people

This is Pearl at home, one drawback Pearl didn't run, motor yes, but Tranny no :(
so a lot of grunting and puffing to turn her around 180 degree in the garage, I suddenly realized what a big lump of iron a 454 was, in the front of this old girl .My legs were stuffed for days after working those dollies up front.

One other issue to tackle, as all the fuel and brake lines were ...errr stuffed, I had the body lift off all in front of me to get to them. That was a challenge for another day as the roof height in my garage is low to say the least.

Gotta Love the Emblem!!
There's just no replacement for displacement and that rumble from way down deep under the bonnet

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