Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lets Get Started April 2009

   The biggest issue, apart from the fact that I didn't want to pull the car apart as I realised I would have started a path I could not turn back from, was the fact I would be doing all the work my self. The fact I had to remove the body logistically was daunting as my roof height was only 2.3 metres, that left me 1 metre of lift of the body to get it over the chassis.
          So as I could not move the car after I lifted it as the driveway has a slope, so........ The body must move side ways across the garage. Hmmmmmm....... well after some time , well about 8 months .Now we had fallen in to 2010. I had put my plan in motion, I did my calculations and a 500kg lift would handle the body and also the stonking great Big Block . So I did what any Aussie would do , improvise and built my self a traveling gantry crane with a 500kg SWL , easy peasy ..............yeah right anyway it took me about a month of weekends and then about 6 months of visits to my acupuncturist to fix my compressed disk from lifting the cross beams on my own.(Age doesn't always make you wiser!!)

I had to give it a name...what else would it be

See that proves it. Safety yellow carn't go past it yeah!

Complete with traveling light

I guess it pays to have 30+ years of experience making things in steel
So I hear you say" that piddly little thing that's not going to lift squat!!! "...oh ,ye of little faith.

You ALWAYS have to test your stuff!!! that was the test load 10% over, well its actually weighed 610KG,
so alls good. Its now Feb 2010

Well that's covered the lifting up bit, next I would have to put it on something !!!!!!!! Hmmmm more thinking involved....headache time

So much stuff so little room ,this wont just be your average dolly .................unless, I buy a bigger house!!
......................nope, thats not going to happen... think harder!!!!!!!!!


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